Accreditation is a process of reflection and peer-review designed to foster school growth and improvement.

Institutional Members of CAIS must be accredited by either CAIS or the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Commission on Independent Schools.

Both organizations are approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education and the International Council Advancing Independent School Accreditation (ICAISA).  

CAIS accreditation decisions are made by the CAIS Commission on Membership and AccreditationThe CAIS accreditation cycle is 10 years, with interim reports due at 2 and 5 years. 

Any non-public, not-for-profit elementary and/or secondary school in the State of Connecticut may apply to be a CAIS Recognized Candidate for Accreditation (RCA) if the following conditions are met:

  • The School has been in successful operation for three or more years.
  • The School offers four or more grade levels or their equivalent in age groups.
  • Ten or more of the School’s enrolled students are seven or more years of age when the school year begins.
  • The School can provide conclusive evidence that its admission and hiring practices are in keeping with applicable state and federal laws regarding discrimination.
  • The School is fiscally sound and has an appropriate system of governance that ensures the School stays true to its mission.

For additional information on the accreditation process, serving on an accreditation visiting team, or for an application to become a Recognized Candidate for Accreditation, please contact Christina Dixcy, Director of Membership & Accreditation at [email protected] or 860-572-2950.

If your school does not qualify to apply to become a Recognized Candidate for Accreditation, Affiliate Membership may be right for you. Please submit a Membership inquiry form.